
Threadlifts are compatible with other anti-aging procedures. You can take advantage of the synergistic effects of various anti-aging procedures. You can target wrinkles with neuromodulators, restore volume with dermal fillers, address skin texture with laser treatments, and reposition sagging skin with Threadlifts.

Silhouette InstaLift®

Silhouette InstaLift® is the only non-surgical rejuvenation procedure that uses advanced Micro-Suspension Technology™ to offer immediate and lasting results.*.  Silhouette InstaLift® is a minimally invasive nonsurgical 

repositioning of tissue in our mid face.  The sutures and cones are made from poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA), which is biocompatible and biodegradable.  It delivers an immediate lift and gradually restores lost facial volume by activating collagen production for a more youthful appearance that continues to improve over 2 years.  InstaLift also has minimal downtime with most signs of treatment (ex: bruising, swelling, and tenderness at the treatment site) dissipating within 24–48 hours.

MINT PDO Threads

MINT™ PDO thread is a minimally invasive nonsurgical procedure. There are tiny barbs strategically placed and molded all around the thread. Once the threads are placed into the skin, the barbs anchor onto sagging skin, and the thread can be maneuvered to reposition skin tissue to achieve a naturally youthful and defined look.  Not only can it improve the appearance of sagging skin, PDO (polydioxanone) can stimulate collagen and neovascularization, 

which helps improve skin elasticity, texture, fine lines, and volume to achieve timeless rejuvenation.

Before and After